Korean Pickled Radish (Danmuji) Recipe (2024)

Do you enjoy that pickled radish in your favorite Japanese or Korean restaurant?

I bet you will be surprised by how easy it is to make authentic Korean pickled radish at home!

With this recipe, everyone will be able to make these golden yellow, healthy, crunchy, and refreshing radish pickles within 45 minutes!

Korean Pickled Radish (Danmuji) Recipe (1)

Is Danmuji GOOD for You?

Korean Pickled radish, also known as “Danmuji”, is tasty, nutrient-rich, and rich in probiotic microorganisms.

According to an article(by Chelsea Debret) on onegreenplanet.org, pickled radish has “wonderful health benefits” on improving digestive system health, managing healthy weight, reducing inflammation, boosting immune system, and fighting against depression and anxiety.

Similar to pickled radish, traditional homemade kimchi also has all these benefits to your body!

Check out my Kimchi Recipe by clicking the picture below ->

The yellow coloring of danmuji

Kimbap is one of Mr He’s favorite Korean snack. He especially loves these yellow pickled radish cubes in kimbaps.

However, I have always been hesitating to order Korean pickled radishes in restaurants, thinking that they are artificially colored.

Recently, I surprisingly learned that the bright yellow coloring of Korean pickled radish was from cape jasmine seeds, not artificial food dyes!

Korean Pickled Radish (Danmuji) Recipe (3)

Omg, I should have known this information earlier! I have missed so many chances to enjoy delicious kimbaps!

But if you buy danmuji from grocery stores or order from restaurants, still, they are very likely artificially colored.

Luckily, we can easily make very natural, healthy, and authentically delicious Korean pickled radish at home within 45 minutes! And you can easily find all the ingredients you need in your local stores.

I know that cape jasmine seeds could be hard to find in US stores. Here I have a perfect substitute for you:Turmeric powder.

Korean Pickled Radish (Danmuji) Recipe (4)

Turmeric powder and cape jasmine seeds both work perfectly as healthy natural food dyes. Feel free to use either of them, you won’t be able to taste the difference of the finished pickled radishes.

What can you do with Korean Pickled Radish?

Korean pickled radish, with its perfect balance of sweetness, sourness, and a hint of spice, can be a great flavor boosting to any dish.

Korean Pickled Radish (Danmuji) Recipe (5)

You can add it as a refreshing and crunchy topping to your salad, slice it to garnish your ramen noodles, or simply eat it as a low-calorie healthy side dish.

If you enjoy Korean side dishes, you will also like this recipe:

Check out my – Sweet and Spicy Korean Style Potato

One of the most typical Korean food made with danmuji could be kimbap (or gimbap). You can easily make some at home with a leftover chip tube.

This picture below is a portal to my kimbap recipe ->

How to Make – Korean Pickled Radish


  • 1 Small Saucepan
Korean Pickled Radish (Danmuji) Recipe (7)
  • 2 food storage containers with lids
Korean Pickled Radish (Danmuji) Recipe (8)


  • 1 Large Daikon radish about 600g
  • 1½ tbsp Salt (1 tbsp for marinating the radish, ½ tbsp for the broth)
  • ½ tsp Turmeric powder
Korean Pickled Radish (Danmuji) Recipe (9)
  • ½ cup Sugar
  • 1½ cup Water
  • 1cupRice vinegar


1. A large daikon radish, peel off its skin. Cut the radish crosswise into the length of your container.

Korean Pickled Radish (Danmuji) Recipe (10)

2. Cut the radish lengthwise into ½-inch wide strips.

Korean Pickled Radish (Danmuji) Recipe (11)

3. The radish can also be sliced into half-moon shape thin slices.

Korean Pickled Radish (Danmuji) Recipe (12)

4. Put sliced radish into a large bowl, sprinkle 1 tbsp of salt over the radish. Rub the salt evenly on radish. Set aside to marinate for 30 minutes.

5. In a medium saucepan, add turmeric powder, sugar, salt, and water. Bring to a boil. Stir until all the sugar has dissolved. Turn off the heat. Add rice vinegar to the saucepan. Set aside.

Korean Pickled Radish (Danmuji) Recipe (13)

6. After the radish strips and slices have been marinated for 30 minutes, drain, rinse with potable water, squeeze out excess water, put radish strips and slices in clean containers.

Korean Pickled Radish (Danmuji) Recipe (14)

7. Pour the turmeric vinegar mixture over the radish.

Korean Pickled Radish (Danmuji) Recipe (15)

8. Let it cool down, cover the lid and keep in the fridge overnight before using.Korean Pickled Radish (Danmuji) Recipe (16)Korean Pickled Radish (Danmuji) Recipe (17)Korean Pickled Radish (Danmuji) Recipe (18)

Korean Pickled Radish (Danmuji) Recipe (19)

9. Homemade picked radish can last in the fridge for up to 1 month.

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Korean Pickled Radish (Danmuji)

Ms Shi and Mr He

Do you enjoy that pickled radish in your favorite Japanese or Korean restaurant? I bet you will be surprised by how easy it is to make authentic Korean pickled radish at home! With this recipe, everyone will be able to make these golden yellow, healthy, crunchy, and refreshing radish pickles within 45 minutes! Ready to make some yummy kimbap with your homemade danmuji? See my next recipe blog!

4.75 from 4 votes

Print Recipe Pin Recipe

Prep Time 10 minutes mins

Cook Time 5 minutes mins

Salt Marinating Resting Time 30 minutes mins

Total Time 45 minutes mins

Course Side Dish, Snack

Cuisine Japanese, Korean

Servings 12

Calories 20 kcal


  • 1 Small saucepan

  • 2 food storage containers with lids


  • 1 Large Daikonradish about 600g
  • tbsp Salt (1 tbsp for marinating the radish, ½ tbsp for the broth)
  • ½ tsp Turmeric powder
  • ½ cup Sugar
  • cup Water
  • 1 cup Rice vinegar


  • A large daikon radish, peel off its skin. Cut the radish crosswise into the length of your container.

  • Cut the radish lengthwise into ½-inch wide strips.

  • The radish can also be sliced into half-moon shape thin slices.

  • Put sliced radish into a large bowl, sprinkle 1 tbsp of salt over the radish. Rub the salt evenly on radish. Set aside to marinate for 30 minutes.

  • In a small saucepan, add turmeric powder, sugar, salt, and water. Bring to a boil. Stir until all the sugar has dissolved. Turn off the heat. Add rice vinegar to the saucepan. Set aside.

  • After the radish strips and slices have been marinated for 30 minutes, drain, rinse with potable water, squeeze out excess water, put radish strips and slices in clean containers.

  • Pour the turmeric vinegar mixture over the radish.

  • Let it cool down, cover the lid and keep in the fridge overnight before using.

  • Homemade picked radish can last in the fridge for up to 1 month.


Keyword Daikon Radish, danmuji, pickled radish, radish, Vegan

Korean Pickled Radish (Danmuji) Recipe (25)

Korean Pickled Radish (Danmuji) Recipe (2024)


Is danmuji healthy? ›

The root is rich in Vitamin C, as well as a great source of calcium, magnesium and potassium. Already loaded with nutritional benefits from the daikon radish, danmuji also contains gut-friendly probiotics from the fermentation process.

How long does danmuji last in the fridge? ›

Transfer pickles and brine to an airtight glass container and store in the refrigerator. (The turmeric will stain a plastic container yellow.) Pickles will last about 1 month.

How to use danmuji? ›

Danmuji can be eaten by itself since it's already pickled and tangy, but going the extra step to season them really helps to kick up the flavor. Because the pickled radish has a sweet and tangy flavor, it's perfect for eating as banchan with BBQ meats or fried chicken as it cuts oily and heavy foods well.

Is it okay to eat pickled radish everyday? ›

Depending on how pickled beets are made, some varieties of pickled radishes can contain a lot of table salt and added sugars. Research links excess sugar and salt intake to poor health and an increased risk of conditions like heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

What should not be eaten with radishes? ›

  1. Dec 6, 2023, 08:52 PM IST. 5 Foods You Must Never Pair With Radish. ...
  2. Radish and Milk. ...
  3. Radish and Cucumber. ...
  4. Radish and Oranges. ...
  5. Radish and Bitter Gourd. ...
  6. Radish and Tea.
Dec 6, 2023

Why should radishes not be eaten at night? ›

Radishes contain compounds like raffinose, which can cause gas and bloating in some individuals, especially when consumed in large quantities. Eating radishes late at night may lead to discomfort or disrupted sleep due to digestive issues.

How to tell if pickled radish is bad? ›

Slimy textures or extreme color changes are other telltale signs of spoiled pickled radishes, as is the presence of mold. If you notice bubbles or gas formation in the pickling liquid, it may indicate that the veggies have started to ferment too much, or perhaps the presence of undesirable microorganisms.

Does Korean radish go bad? ›

If you bought your daikon radish with the leaves still attached, remove them and store them separately if you plan on eating them. Unwashed, the root will stay fresh for 1 to 2 weeks if it's wrapped in a plastic bag in the refrigerator. The leaves will stay fresh for up to 3 days.

How do you keep Danmuji fresh? ›

Homemade Danmuji, like any other refrigerator pickle, should last for 1-2 months in an airtight container. To make it last longer, use clean utensils when reaching into the jar.

What is danmuji in English? ›

Danmuji (yellow pickled radish) is a very important ingredient for gimbap; I never make gimbap without it! It tastes sweet and sour and has a really nice, crispy texture. Look for it in the refrigerated section of Korean and Japanese grocery stores.

Is danmuji Korean or Japanese? ›

Korean Pickled radish, also known as “Danmuji”, is tasty, nutrient-rich, and rich in probiotic microorganisms.

How do you take the bitterness out of Korean radishes? ›

Leave the daikon in the salt for 10 minutes. This is to take away the bitterness and extract water so the flavour intensifies. 6. After 10 minutes, wash the daikon slices thoroughly in cold water.

Why do Koreans eat so much radish? ›

The radishes were used fresh or prepared in fermented preparations to extend the root's shelf life and have been favored throughout history for their subtly sweet and peppery flavor. Over time, Korean radishes increased in popularity, especially after they were utilized in kimchi preparations.

Is pickled radish good for high blood pressure? ›

Radishes contain potassium, a vasodilator, which helps to relax the blood vessels and increase the blood flow. It thus reduces blood pressure by regulating the flow of blood. Consumption of radish does not impact blood sugar levels as they have a low glycemic index.

Why can't radish and carrot cook together? ›

The reason is that the carrot contains a de-enzyme called ascorbic acid, which destroys the vitamin C in the white radish. So, remember not to cook the two radishes together.

Is Chinese pickled radish healthy? ›

According to an article(by Chelsea Debret) on onegreenplanet.org, pickled radish has “wonderful health benefits” on improving digestive system health, managing healthy weight, reducing inflammation, boosting immune system, and fighting against depression and anxiety.

How many radishes per day should I eat? ›

Since the leaves appear to help lower blood pressure, eating too many of them might make your blood pressure too low if it is currently normal. While it's unclear what constitutes "too many," it's safest to stick to one serving of radishes per day, which the USDA considers a half-cup.

What is the healthiest radish? ›

Daikon radish is a good source of antioxidants, which help protect against cell damage. source: fdc.nal.usda.gov. Daikon radish is low in fat and cholesterol, making it a healthy choice for weight management.

Is Korean pickled radish good for weight loss? ›

Pickled radish has “wonderful health benefits” on. improving digestive system health, managing healthy. weight, reducing inflammation, boosting immune. system, and fighting against depression and anxiety.

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