Homemade Chicken Stock Recipe - Super Easy 5 Minute Prep! (2024)

It’s easy to make chicken stock with this homemade chicken stock recipe. Thismakes a great base for soups and other dishes. Use in any recipe that calls for chicken broth or turkey broth. Here is a step by step process to make homemade chicken stock with leftover chicken.

Homemade Chicken Stock Recipe - Super Easy 5 Minute Prep! (1)

Homemade Chicken Stock Recipe

Homemade chicken stock is super simple and basically free to make. Today, I’m sharing our easy homemade chicken stock recipe so you can make your own.

Lots of recipes, especially soups, stews and some casseroles call for chicken broth. There’s no need to buy pre-made chicken broth in the cans or boxes at the store. It’s super easy to make your own chicken stock with the leftovers from chicken you already buy. You can also use this chicken stock for any recipe that calls for turkey broth.

Since we eat a lot of chicken at our house, I always have leftover chicken bones. I used to throw away the bones, but now I have everyone save their chicken bones during dinner. Then I just throw the bones in a stock pot and fill it up with water. Sometimes I throw in an onion, a carrot or some celery. Then I let it simmer overnight on low and in the morning I have yummy chicken stock. Really, that’s it!

Make This Chicken Stock Recipe And Freeze For Later!

I always seem to have more chicken stock than I can use so I put the extra stock in the freezer in 2 cup portions and then save it for later. You can freeze the chicken stock in plastic containers, but I prefer to store it in quart-size ziplock bags.

To do that, pour 2 cups of homemade chicken broth into a quart-size ziplock bag. Make sure to seal it securely so it does not leak. Then lay the bag on a baking sheet in the freezer until it freezes. When you freeze the homemade chicken stock this way, it is super easy to stack them in the freezer so they’re easy to grab and use when you need some for a recipe that calls for chicken broth.

This is a great way to freeze and store soups and other liquids in smaller portions for use later.

If you don’t have time to make the easy chicken stock recipe right after dinner, you can just throw the bones in the freezer and make it later. Again, I just put the bones in a ziplock bag and freeze. If I know I will be making the chicken stock the next day, I will usually just cover the baking pan with the chicken bones and toss it in the freezer.

When I was using up the food from the freezer as we were preparing to move I found some chicken stock that I had frozen so I have them on the stove now cooking away. I will use the broth to flavor my rice for dinner. It’s so simple to make this homemade chicken stock recipe that even a cook like me can do it! -Tawra

How To Make The Homemade Chicken Stock

(For more specific details, be sure to check out the homemade chicken stock recipe below.)

  • Step 1 – Save chicken bones. This is the leftover bones from two large chicken breasts we ate for dinner.
  • Step 2 – Add flavoring. I used onions but you can add, garlic, carrots, celery or anything else you would like.
  • Step 3 – Simmer on the stove at least 4 hours. I simmer mine overnight on low.
  • Step 4 – Remove the bones and other solids, including the onions and other things you used to make the seasoning.
  • Step 5 – Enjoy your chicken stock. My two chicken breast bones make about 2 1/2 cups of concentrated stock. I usually dilute mine down with half water and half stock.

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Homemade Chicken Stock Recipe

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  • Author: Tawra Kellam


Leftover chicken bones
Flavoring of your choice, optional (onions, garlic, carrots, celery or other flavorings)


  1. Place the chicken bones and your desired flavorings into a large stock pot.
  2. Fill the stock pot to the top with water.
  3. Place on the stove and cover with the lid.
  4. Simmer on low temperature for a minimum of 8 hours, up to 48 hours. I simmer mine overnight on low. You can also simmer in the crockpot on low. If the water starts to evaporate, add more.
  5. Remove the bones and other solids, including the onions and other things you used to make the seasoning.
  6. Strain the homemade chicken broth so only the liquid remains.

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Homemade Chicken Stock Recipe - Super Easy 5 Minute Prep! (2024)
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