Fruits Basket (2019) S2, Ep. 6-8, Beach Arc (Part 1) (2024)

Fruits Basket (2019) S2, Ep. 6-8, Beach Arc (Part 1) (1)

I can’t believe it’s finally here! I’ve been waiting for this moment for so long–the highly anticipated, narrative advancing Beach Arc! But because this segment of the story is quite plot heavy, I will be splitting the reviews of this arc’s episodes into two parts.

Fruits Basket (2019) S2, Ep. 6-8, Beach Arc (Part 1) (2)

Before getting into the nitty gritty stuff, a fangirl session! One of the main reasons why I love this arc so much is because it has so many #KyoFanClub #CatFanClub moments 🙂

And these shots are just the beginning of the shared, tender moments between Tohru and Kyo~ May the swoon fest commence soon 😉

But now onto the main theme of the episode that is aptly said by Hiro:

Fruits Basket (2019) S2, Ep. 6-8, Beach Arc (Part 1) (3)

(Image from @Kitsunes97 from

[after realizing that what he said may have been hurtful to Tohru] “I should know better by now: there are feelings that I keep hidden deep inside. So, of course… of course, she must have them too–things buried in her heart that no one else can feel.

In Tohru’s conversation with Kisa and Hiro, Hiro definitely brings up an interesting point: why aren’t there any pictures of Tohru’s father? Tohru then wears a noticeably empty expression, a face that isn’t commonly seen on a person who takes a positively optimistic stance in life. As I mentioned at the beginning of the season, Hiro’s question does push Tohru out of her comfort zone and begs her to confront emotions that she has buried deep within her. This moment subsequently leaves viewers in suspense:

Why is Kyoko, her mother who she always associates with such happy memories, triggering her to experience such sadness?

Tohru ends the night on the balcony whispering desperately in tears the following words: “It’s okay. We will always be together!” With this type of sentiment being revealed to the audience for the first time, it makes us question her overall relationship with Kyoko–is Tohru’s mother the source of her happiness or sadness? …Or perhaps both?

Fruits Basket (2019) S2, Ep. 6-8, Beach Arc (Part 1) (4)Fruits Basket (2019) S2, Ep. 6-8, Beach Arc (Part 1) (5)

A love for her mother, who shined brightly in past episodes, is now enshrouded in darkness…There is more to Kyoko’s relationship with Tohru than meets the eye… (Images from @Kitsunes97 from; Left image from S1E1, Right Image from S2E6)

But Tohru isn’t the only one trying to sort out her feelings–Yuki is along for the ride as well. More on his emotional rollercoaster in the next episode review but it definitely is something that has been hinted from the finale of the last season. 🙂

In the meantime, I would like to briefly discuss the character development that has been sprinkled throughout the last season (particularly episodes 4, 6, 10, 20)–Shigure’s secretly manipulative side.

Shigure has always been the puppeteer in the shadows by encouraging Akito to clash with the others. Even if Shigure knows how hurtful Akito is to the other Zodiac members while still choosing to be friendly with them, it seems hard to pinpoint who his allegiance is to. Also, to make his relationship with Akito more confusing, their toxic relationship seems to have mended based on their body language…? The essence of their relationship to be revealed… in a later time… 😉

Fruits Basket (2019) S2, Ep. 6-8, Beach Arc (Part 1) (6)

I want to believe that I wasn’t deluding myself, and that there is more to this world than the darkness I’ve seen–just like the heaviest rain will be chased away by the sun. Pain and the fear of pain may one day be overcome by kindness. I’ve held onto that since that day.

– Yuki’s Inner Monologue
Fruits Basket (2019) S2, Ep. 6-8, Beach Arc (Part 1) (7)

Such a dramatic reveal–I love it! And, because of the fact that the episode starts with Yuki and his inner monologue, you can definitely define this episode as being a Yuki-themed episode 🙂 His character development deeply ties to the thesis of this episode: a crave for a healthy parental relationship.

The episode starts out with Hiro having a conversation with his mother, who has just discovered that she will be giving birth to his sibling in the coming months. Later, as the group walks to the estate to do the watermelon splitting contest, the Sohmas discuss to Tohru how relieved they are that no other child would have to experience being a Zodiac member: now that all of the animals have been born together, the parental and overall familial trauma of being a Zodiac doesn’t have to be relived again. [Note: More on the importance of this fact to be discussed at a later time :)]

The notion of an unhappy relationship between a zodiac member and their parents definitely resonates with Yuki. Not only did he not receive the care of motherly love, he also had to endure the idea that he was not worth loving. Akito repeatedly coaxed Yuki with negative thoughts in the past, convincing him that he is a useless human being unless he stays by Akito’s side. This consequently affects Yuki’s sense of reality: if all you ever hear are the same, negative thoughts, then that’s all you will believe.

However, when Tohru enters the picture, everything changes for Yuki (and for everyone else).

She provides a sense of warmth that he has wanted for so long–Tohru is someone who provides him a lending ear to his aching heart, someone who shares her “irrepressible joy” with him that he gladly accepts, someone who patiently waits for him and engages with his feelings when he is ready. And that’s what makes the next moment featured below so mesmerizing to us, but most especially to Yuki.

Fruits Basket (2019) S2, Ep. 6-8, Beach Arc (Part 1) (8)

Tohru’s presence in this picture is analogous to a mother figure as she throws the blanket over the sleeping Zodiac members. With the white daisies wrapping the borders of this image, it portrays the innocent love that shines brightly from Tohru towards the Zodiac members, illustrating a new beginning for them to believe that they are worthy of being loved despite feeling unnaturally different to others in the outside world. Tohru has become someone that everyone looks forward to meeting again after a long day, a source of comfort and a reminder that there is a home worth to coming back to, a feeling that they have not felt in a while or even at all (this is in reference to Momiji’s dialogue as they Zodiac members are called to the annex estate to meet with Akito: I hope that this will be over quick so that we can get back to the house… After all, someone’s waiting”). And these feelings definitely resonate the most in Yuki’s heart.

But even with this analytical processing of Yuki’s feelings, he still is trying to decipher how close he wants to be with Tohru: to either establish a “mother-son” or romantic relationship? And Yuki is hyper aware that his relationship with Tohru will happen relative to someone else standing in his way–Kyo. The next few shots after Yuki’s mesmerization of Tohru is aptly illustrated to repeat the recurring theme of him always being the outsider looking in, an emotional gap that would be difficult for Yuki to build and cross towards Tohru.

  • Fruits Basket (2019) S2, Ep. 6-8, Beach Arc (Part 1) (9)
  • Fruits Basket (2019) S2, Ep. 6-8, Beach Arc (Part 1) (10)
  • Fruits Basket (2019) S2, Ep. 6-8, Beach Arc (Part 1) (11)

Yuki is becoming a man who realizes the limits in which his path can go… (Images from @Kitsunes97 from

Consequently, the culmination of events that happen towards Yuki, who is slowly trying to finalize his feelings with Tohru, makes his ending dialogue so heartbreaking.

[As Tohru and Yuki stare out into the ocean]
The truth is, in the back of my mind, I probably knew what would happen. How life would change if I opened the lid. There are things that I need to do, things that I should have done sooner. It’s simple–so simple. But…
[Tohru has her full attention on Yuki]
…that’s exactly what makes it difficult.
Tohru: You did it?… you opened the lid?
Yuki: Yes, thanks to Akito. And to you, because you listened. You stood by me. You had faith, accepted me for who I am, even when I was weak.

[Entering Yuki’s inner monologue] And you held onto that memory, treasured it all these years later. Thank you for that. You were lost and I saved you. I can’t tell you how much that meant. I’ve been told for so long that I was useless. But that day, for the first time, I felt what it was like to be needed. I don’t think that there is any way that you could know how deeply that chance encounter affected me.

Yuki: You don’t see it, don’t realize that you’re the one who’s always saving me.

[Yuki’s inner monologue] You share it all: your kindness, your warmth, your irrepressible joy. You don’t hold back any of them.

Yuki: That’s why I won’t give up, or give in. I’ll keep trying… Fighting… and believing that there is hope… But…
Tohru: [wears a slightly concerned face] all of that’s good, right? So then why… Why do you look so sad?
Yuki: [wearing a disheartened face, but then shrugs with a little sad smile, silently in thought] Because…

[Yuki leans in for a kiss on Tohru’s forehead] You.. you’re like the sky. I’m sad because…[Yuki’s tear drops on Tohru’s cheek] I don’t know what I would do without you.

Although his feelings are not yet carved out in stone, he will definitely find the answer to his struggles soon. With the guidance and support that he has gained from Tohru, he will move forward, just like a shooting star streaking brightly in the dark night.

Before I move forward to my next episode review, there are two moments that I would like to pin for future reference:

Note 1: A budding relationship in bloom, #KyoFanClub

Learning about another person’s past and their childhood is one way to get close to someone, and Tohru and Kyo definitely build that chemistry. Kyo’s gentle side is really brought out as he hangs out more with Tohru and is starting to become more emotionally aware of Tohru’s feelings–even the feelings that she tries to suppress from everyone else (ie. him understanding that she is under the weather during the stag beetle hunt and the watermelon splitting contest). Cheers to young love 😉

Note 2: The Name drop

Feast your eyes on this conversation.

Fruits Basket (2019) S2, Ep. 6-8, Beach Arc (Part 1) (12)

[Hatori walking with Shigure towards Akito’s room after all the Zodiac members arrive at the annex]
Shigure: I’m still trying to solve the mystery of Kureno’s presence at this little summer retreat. He’s an elusive creature even you and I are rarely allowed to catch a glimpse of.
Hatori: Perhaps Akito felt too insecure to leave him unattended.
Shigure: Insecure? OH! Don’t tell me Ren came for a visit! [laughs in teasing manner]
Hatori: you know it’s forbidden to talk–

Who could this Ren character be for Shigure to be triggered with this type of response? It’s interesting that the name is dropped during a parent episode… interesting indeed… 😉 Also, why is Kureno held so dearly to Akito compared to the rest of the other members? What relationship does Kureno have with Akito exactly…?

Fruits Basket (2019) S2, Ep. 6-8, Beach Arc (Part 1) (13)

[Akito and Kureno walking away from the annex estate, Hatori and Shigure watching them go]
Hatori: Any idea where Akito and Kureno are off to?
Shigure: Taking a little walk.
Hatori: To see Honda you think?
Shigure: I suppose that is a possibility. When it comes to Tohru, Akito has clearly got a superiority complex. The girl is a threat–why else keep us locked away, stuck in one-on-one meetings?

The table is being set: Akito vs Tohru. This notion is hinted by Haru asking Akito if Kureno will go meet Tohru like the rest of the Zodiac members. Haru’s suggestion obviously triggers Akito because all of the Zodiac members have always followed Akito’s orders before Tohru came around. With Tohru’s influence, the Zodiac members’ behaviors have definitely started changing:

  • Haru is not being triggered to turn into Black Haru after being called the stupid cow during his one-on-one meeting with Akito.
  • Yuki is not so terrified by Akito compared to before (S1, Ep. 12). In fact, Yuki is now, as Tohru claims, becoming a lot bolder in character than he used to be as he openly flirts with Tohru and declares his superiority over Kyo (LOL!). He is no longer the scared and doubtful child that he used to be, as he chooses to move forward and push himself out of his own comfort zone.
  • As Kyo becomes less prone to anger, he starts to become closer and vulnerable around Tohru, which juxtaposes his hesitant stance that he had in previous episodes of this season. As Tohru adamantly grips Kyo’s bracelet, the emotional cuff that he openly expresses that weighs him down, her action represents a symbolic promise that he is not alone in his worries, especially in the thought of someone sacrificing their life to save his own. Her shared sentiment is something that reassures him, to make him feel happy to be alive when he knows he doesn’t want to be.

Their behavioral change definitely shows Akito’s grip weakening on the Sohmas–they don’t seem to have the same effect on the members anymore. As a result power struggle between Akito and Tohru ignites: out of the two of them, who will the Zodiac members choose? Will they be influenced by obligation or choose from free will…?

With such a prestigious position, which is yet to be unveiled, Akito definitely claims to have the upper hand:

Fruits Basket (2019) S2, Ep. 6-8, Beach Arc (Part 1) (14)

[Akito and Kureno taking a stroll downward, with Akito taking the lead]
Akito: Really, she’s an outsider. It only makes sense to isolate her. Besides, who would want an ugly thing like her around anyway? Maybe I should just get rid of her. I would do it but I’m such a gentle soul. I can afford to be generous. Let the poor wretch get some enjoyment from this vacation. I’ve even been thinking that I might allow her to meet you. Soon. But you’ll need to behave and act like you’re still a proper member of the Zodiac–instead of the inferior creature that you’ve become.

Afterwards, she’ll be alone again separated from the fools she dares to think of as friends. And she’ll stay that way, lonely and isolated for as long as she’s here. She’ll see that she can never beat me, she’s hopelessly out of her league in this fight.

Kureno: She’s not alone, though. Kyo stayed behind too, right?
[walking stops, Akito turns to Kureno]
Akito: How could she possibly be having fun with that monster?

With Akito’s speech, you can’t help but wonder just how much power Akito is able to unleash to keep all of the Zodiac members under control? And also, what is Kureno’s tie to the Zodiac members? If Akito preaches of every other Zodiac member being inferior, then how more inferior can Kureno be relative to them? So many questions, so many answers yet to be discovered!!!!

Now, before I wrap up this review there are three more notes that I would like to pin:

Note 3: Rin’s arrival

Fruits Basket (2019) S2, Ep. 6-8, Beach Arc (Part 1) (15)

Rin is first spotted by Yuki in this episode, who was standing off screen at the beach, the same beach where Kyo and Tohru were building their sand castle. After Rin bumps into Tohru, Tohru offers her own clothes for Rin to wear. Rin storms off throwing a cold shoulder towards Tohru. Her last scene in this episode is her stomping the sandcastle that Kyo and Tohru made while ripping Tohru’s shirt. One cannot help but ponder as to why, out of all of the Zodiacs, Rin is aggressive towards Tohru, even though they have not interacted with each other before? Is there a reason behind her actions?

Note 4: Shigure’s talk with Yuki

Fruits Basket (2019) S2, Ep. 6-8, Beach Arc (Part 1) (16)

[Shigure building small talk with Yuki, who is reading a book]
Shigure: so tell me: what did Akito have to say to you when you talked yesterday?
Yuki: [noticeably annoyed, while closing his book] The truth that’s all. [stands up and walks away] You satisfied?
Shigure: No, I’m really not. Far from it in fact.

Honestly, it’s the small details that really matter the most. My interpretation of “the truth” is that Akito always tells Yuki is that his life is worthless unless he stays underneath Akito’s wing. “This truth,” of course, bothers Yuki, causing him to walk away from this toxic discussion. Shigure, however, is not satisfied with “this truth.” But why? Judging by the tone of voice from the English dub, there is this sternness, slight anger–perhaps jealousy–in his tone…Shigure’s relationship with Akito truly is an enigma…

Note 5: Rin’s Conversation with Kagura

Fruits Basket (2019) S2, Ep. 6-8, Beach Arc (Part 1) (17)

[Rin leaving Kagura’s home]
Kagura: Isuzu? Are you going somewhere? I thought we could hang out! Oh, I know! The vacation house! That’s where everybody is at right now! Yun chan is there, and Shi-chan, Hari-chan too! And, most importantly above all, my sweet Kyo! Plus, if you go, you can finally have the chance to-
Rin: Kagura, how much longer are you going to go around playing at love? It makes me cringe.
Kagura: [wears a sad expression of concern] playing? Why would you say that?
Rin: Because [turns to face Kagura] It’s true, isn’t it? [walks away]

Rin’s point brings me back to a detail I noticed back in Season 1, Episode 23: with her choosing to be distant in that episode, why is she trying to come back to Kyo in this episode? This paradox is something that Rin knows the answer to, and Kagura knows it as her cheerful attitude turns to scared suspicion. It is as if Kagura was caught doing something wrong red handed. But what could be wrong of Kagura for loving Kyo? Is there something else behind it?

Hope you are enjoying my in-depth reviews on the finest details featured throughout the story! Natsuki Takaya sensei surely knows how to leave breadcrumbs, I would hate not to miss the slightest hints she’s giving out to her viewers. Even though I’ve read the manga a few times, i hope that my articles are helping those enjoying the story based on the anime only! Until next time on Beach Arc Part 2! 🐭🍙🐱🎇

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Fruits Basket (2019) S2, Ep. 6-8, Beach Arc (Part 1) (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.